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Baby, Toddler & Preschooler
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Naps 101 (Part 3): How Do I Teach My Baby to Sleep More Than One 30–45 Minute Sleep Cycle?
This blog will help you determine whether your child needs more sleep and provides strategies to encourage longer naps.

Naps 101 (Part 4): When and How Will My Baby Drop Naps?
At sleep transition points in your baby's life, there are clues that will help you identify and adapt to your baby’s changing needs.

Naps 101 (Part 1): Does My Baby Have a Nap Problem?
Learn what normal napping looks like for babies & toddlers, how to determine if your child needs more sleep, and what to do about it.

Naps 101 (Part 2): How Can I Teach My Baby to Nap in the Crib?
Learn why naps can be harder to manage than nights and why you might need to approach your child's naps differently.

It's Winter! Do you Need a Humidifier in your Child's Room?
Humidifiers can ease a dry winter cough overnight, but there are also some drawbacks. This blog reviews the science.

Snug as a bug: dressing your baby for sleep as temperatures change
This blog describes how to ensure your baby is comfortable and cozy all night.
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